Thursday 30 May 2013

Daft Punk - Random Access Memories Necklaces

With the new album came a fresh set of costumes, even the helmets have been tweaked, but the necklaces are the most interesting new addition I think so I set about making the pair.

The basic pyramid was built using styrene and the edges and corners were given a coat of filler and sanded to a fine point.

Since both Thomas and Guy have different designs on their pyramids I decided to mould the basic form first so that I had two copies that I could then build the individual details onto and remould. The piece was wet sanded with 1200 grit sand paper and placed in the bottom of an old plastic container ready to mould. I tacked the piece down with a small dab of superglue under each point, this will stop it from moving whilst the silicone sets but should easily snap back off the bottom of the container when I'm done.

As usual Rebound 25 was used for this mould, the depth and size of the container gave me about an inch of space both around and on top of the piece so the finished silicone mould would be nice and strong.

Once the mould was out of the way I created the detail pieces I needed from more styrene, I made Guy Manuels necklace first and I will add the Thomas detailing to the resin cast pyramid from my mould. 

I cast up the base pyramid in urethane resin and then built up Thomas' Necklace the same way as Guy's.

Both were wet sanded starting from 800 grit to 1500 to get a nice smooth finish.

Ready for moulding.

Finished casts primed and wet-sanded.

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