Saturday 11 August 2012

Prop Blog Logo

Decided I'd make a logo to represent my user name that I can use to watermark photos and make things a little more professional looking I guess :D I use the name Vector Prime in other places such as Deviantart so I used vector shapes in Illustrator to design this with some tweaks in Photoshop to get a nice 80's G1 look:


This is an extremely late post but Comicon went down well, got a good reception on the costume and got to take a few pictures as well as pose for quite a few too, this year was bigger and better than last years Comicon so here's hoping next year will be even bigger and better. Shamefully I had problems with the Visor for the Guy Manuel helmet and couldn't get a usable pull from my buck due to how large shape it is. Meaning I ended up as one of a two man ensemble, but it still went well and actually found another guy cosplaying Thomas who was great. I'll be reworking the helmet buck and will hopefully get it sorted, but this has now taken a back seat whilst I work on a Jango Helmet; anyway here's a few pics: