Sunday 17 August 2014

MK Legacy Scorpion Part 3-Boot covers

Once again I began by scaling up an image of the boot covers to fit me in Illustrator. The best part of patterning in Illustrator is that you always have a digital backup of all your patterns in case something happens to any of them, which since I'm always misplacing things is a good idea for me haha.

A tricky part of pattern cutting on leather/leatherette is that you can't just pin the patterns to the piece because it will leave marks. I've seen others use clothes pins and also spray mount to keep their patterns from budging. Since this was a relatively small piece I simply rolled some masking tape over itself so that it was double sided and that did the trick. This would take way too long on a larger piece on which I'd recommend the aforementioned spray mount.

I marked the back of the pieces for placement of each of the straps, there is no hem on any of these pieces so I couldn't just notch where these pieces lie in the seam allowance. 

Each of the straps were measured whilst wearing the Tabi boots for the costume, to allow for the extra size from the thickness of the material. The top strap is riveted onto the boot cover but the rest were top-stitched using the lines on the back to line everything up.

The straps are longer on one side as the boot covers buckle on the inside of the leg rather than centred at the back.

 The covers in the series are a grubby weathered gold colour, to create this effect I lightly misted a single coat of gold spray paint onto them, this left feathered patches of black showing through and also with there only being a thin coating the colour was quite dull and muted so as it didn't appear shiny and brand new.

Using 1500 grit wet and dry sandpaper I lightly wet-sanded the edges of the pieces and buffed in small random areas to make the gold appear even more worn out. The buckles were added after this stage. To help stop the covers form shifting whilst walking I also added Velcro patches to them and the boots.

Next up is the Tabard!

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